We aim to create the most accurate conversions with our tools. How accurate is the PNG to STL conversion?
We aim to process all PNG to STL conversions as quickly as possible, this usually takes around 5 seconds but can be more for larger more complex files so please be patient. How long does it take to convert my PNG to STL? When the PNG to STL conversion has completed, you can download your STL file straight away. How can I convert my PNG file to STL?įirst click the 'Upload.' button, select your PNG file to upload. Optionally, our tool will allow you to save to the non-standard color STL format.
Our tool will save all STL files in binary format. The PNG image you upload can be any size, however our tool will resize it to a maximum of 600圆00 pixels for normal users and for premium subscription holders this is increased to a maximum of 1000x1000 pixels.
What is the maximum PNG image resolution I can upload?